UT UNUM SINT : เพื่อทุกคนเป็นหนึ่งเดียวกัน


สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ คุณพ่อไพยง  มนิราช (081-857-5423)

Prot. N. 0501T/13/EMAIL

Bangkok, 12 July 2013

SUBJECT: Impostor/Fake Bishop

Your Grace/Your Excellencies
CBC Secretaries

The Secretariat of State of His Holiness sent us the following information and warning:

 A certain Ramzi R. Musallam presents himself as a bishop of a “Catholic Church of the East – Archdiocese of St. James the Apostle” based in the United States.

 In his photos which appear in the internet, he is dressed in episcopal robes seemingly in a meeting with Pope Benedict XVI.

 This man, Musallam, who seems to be of Palestinian origin, tries to attract particularly Arab Christians to his group.

 Results of the verification (investigation) show that he has neither been ordained as a priest nor as a bishop of the Catholic Church and the above-mentioned photographs are actually a photomontage, using images of an audience granted by Pope Benedict XVI to some Eastern bishops in March 2011.

              This Apostolic Nunciature/Delegation requests your kind assistance to pass on the above information and warning to alert all Bishops (Ordinaries and Emeriti), the Clergy, all Religious Congregations and as many people as possible. 

Thank you and with prayerful best wishes, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,
+ Paul Tschang In-Nam
Apostolic Nuncio/Delegate

คาทอลิกไทย "รวมพลังรักษ์โลก" ค.ศ.2024-2025

คาทอลิกไทยรวมพลังรักษ์โลก ค.ศ.2024-2025


สารสังฆมณฑลราชบุรี ปีที่ 38 ฉบับที่ 1 เดือนพฤษภาคม-สิงหาคม 2024


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